Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Acquisitionist awakes

Irregularity is the key to a student’s sleeping patterns on holidays. The luxuriating laziness fostered in me has been shattered. Today, I awoke early for an education faculty welcome. The realities of classroom teaching were brought to our attention in our instructor’s anecdotes about a troublesome student.

One ringleader of a particular naughty bunch had brought the class into waves of giggles. He had put on a show of impersonating impertinence while she had left the class on an errand. Peering through the door, she caught the student trouncing the classroom, imitating her manner. Battling with the instinctual drive to yell at the student, she commanded him to stand up and stick out his hand. After shaking his hand and commending his dramatic ability, she asked him what else was in his repertoire. He imitated the deputy principal's peculiarities splendidly. Because of the offbeat manner in which she handled the situation, he began to improve his behaviour, pulling his cohort with him. As an aside, this little boy reminded me of the irreverent Trapp of Great Expectations fame.

We had a brief tour of the education building, which is off the main campus. It’s an intimate campus with a cosy library. We also have access to 24-hour computer labs, which are under safe surveillance. This ensures that students who find themselves homeless do not move in to the labs and drown their sorrows with bottle after bottle of gin. Well, that’s another story. So, the rest of the day is ahead of me. Tonight, I’m attending a literary nightclub- supposedly cocktails, funky tunes and bookish entertainment.


Eva said...

Murakami was so good I had to finish it tonight, research project be damned. :)

Enjoyed it bunches. Am about to begin part three of Madame Bovary, and savoring every page.

MissMiller said...

Murakami is so worth an all-nighter. Much more compelling than a research project. I'm glad Kafka was checked out. Norwegian Wood is great.

Bybee said...

OK, that settles it. I am going to try Murkami again and it'll be Norwegian Wood. Thanks for a push in the right direction. Arigato, I mean.

MissMiller said...

Yay, can't wait for your thoughts Bybee. Enjoy!